North Star and a lot of stuff for Wargames Foundry. He has recently moved to Warlord and I believe is involved with their foray into sci-fi.

He has also launched his own line of miniatures, called Lucid Eye. His facebook page can be found here. These are concentrating on pulp, with an emphasis on lost worlds (the line is called Savage Core). Pictured are some of his Neanderthals. There are two packs plus a chief, available from the Arcane website.

Generally though I am a big fan of this range. The sculpting is first rate, characterful and clean. The casting is top notch too. It will be interesting to see where Steve goes with this line, I can see a lot of uses for most of the miniatures in pulp and fantasy games. My Neanderthals are being used as Wildmen of the Ettenmors.
They are chunky, but then I imagine Neanderthals were. They fit well with other 28mm heroic figures, below they can be seen with (left to right) a Hasslefree wench, a Wargames Foundry Knight, a Mirliton Orc and a Citadel/Wargames Foundry Mercenary
Excellent work! I've been meaning to paint up mine for a while now. :-)